聯絡方式 Contact

聯絡方式  Contact

注意: 所有下單必須通過電郵傳遞到本公司, 並且要得到我們回覆 "確認電郵 Confirmation E-mail" 確定了, 這次投保才算是正式完成.

Attention :  All insurance application have to be made by E-mail to our company. The application is completed once you receive our "確認電郵 Confirmation E-mail".


請在電郵清楚提供以下合適資料 ( 或/及其他補充資料 ) :                                                  

1) 投保人英文姓名, 身份證號碼, 出生日期, 及手機號碼.
2) 投保公司中英文名稱, 及其商業登記證號碼.
3) 旅遊保險請同時提供旅遊地點, 離港及抵港日期.
4) 汽車保險請同時提供車輛牌簿; 車主駕駛執照及其個人資料; 若投保汽車享有無賠償折扣並要轉入這次的投保, 請提供有關續保通知書.
5) 保費的銀行入數或者轉賬收據. 
6) 其他保險請先致電與我們聯絡.


Please Clearly provide appropriate information in your E-mail for insurance application ( and / or other supplementary ) :

1) Insured person's name, HKID No., DOB, and mobile phone No.
2) Insured company's Chinese & English name, and the Business Registration No.
3) Travel insurance please provide the destination(s), Departure & Arrival date.
4) Car insurance please provide Vehicle Registration Document, Proposer's and named driver's HKID & driving license. If the insured vehicle has been entitled a NCD, please provide the Renewal Notice as well.
5) Bank deposit slip or transfer receipt for the settlement of insurance premium.
6) Other general insurance or any queries, please E-mail or WhatsApp us.

謝謝 / Thank you ! 



電話, WhatsApp, 電郵及地址

電話 / Hotline :  9794 1056  (WhatsApp)

微信 WeChat I/D :  AlliedBenefits   (可以掃瞄左上角的 QR code)

E-mail :  allied.benefits@outlook.com

Flat B, 10/F., China Trade Centre, 122 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.   



中國銀行 Bank of China : 012-665-10431858

銀行戶口名稱  A/C Name : Allied Benefits Insurance Agency Co.
