其他保險 Others Insurance


1)  專業的投保建議、

2)  理想的保險方案、

3)  以及合適的承保公司。

As your insurance consultant, we are listen all your needs and wants of insurance, and to provide 

1) professional advice,

2) appropriate insurance plan,

3) and a suitable underwriting insurance firm.

General Insurance  一般保險
工程商全險 / Contractor All Risks
僱員賠償 / Employees' Compensation
人身意外 / Personal Accident
公共責任 / Public Liability
出口信用 / Trade Credit
專業責任 / Professional Indemnity
產品責任 / Products Liability
貨運水險 / Marine
火險 / Fire
盜竊保障 / Theft
業主立案法團第三者責任保險 / Owners' Corporation 3rd Party Liability
以及其他險種 / Others